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Dry Scalp Natural Home Remedies & Treatments



Jasmine Root Dry Scalp Home Remedy Treatment

Using jasmine root with lime juice has been proven to be a good home remedy for dry scalp. All you need to do is mix the jasmine root and lime juice together and then apply it to your scalp.


Good eating is a great home remedy for dry scalp.  If you eat raw vegetables and fruits you will give your body more of the nutrients needed to help your scalp process its natural oils.


Massage as Dry Scalp Home Treatment

Just doing a normal massage on your scalp is another good home treatment for dry scalp. The massaging will help motivate the glands to produce the oils needed to keep your scalp from drying out. Just place your thumbs behind each ear and move your fingers in a circular motion. You should do this every day and when you massage it, make sure you do it gently.


You should brush your hair on a regular basis to help you from getting a dry scalp. When brushing start from the nape of your neck to the front of your head. Make sure when doing this that your head is bent downward pointing towards the floor. This works well as a natural remedy for dry scalp.


Neem Oil Home Remedy for Dry Scalp

 A great natural home remedy for dry scalp and hair is using neem oil. It is a natural oil that is derived from a native tree from India. The oil is a fungicide that extracts dead skin and the oil relieves the redness and the itching when you apply it to your scalp. 

Neem should be mixed in with other ingredients to make a paste to be applied to your head.

What you will need is:

One teaspoon of neem

One teaspoon of either tea tree oil or manuka

One teaspoon of lavender oil

Three tablespoons of carrier oils such almond oil

Once you have mixed these ingredients together you can apply this paste to your scalp to relive it.


One incredibly great home remedy for dry scalp is to take a cup of oatmeal and soak it for twenty minutes in hot water. When you add the water to the oatmeal make sure to stir it well. After it has sat for twenty minutes strain the liquid into a cup, then add five drops of lavender oil and five drops of rosemary oil into the liquid. Let the liquid sit till it cools off before applying it to your scalp.


Zinc Dry Scalp Home Remedy Treatment

Zinc Pyrithione works great as home remedy for dry scalp. This is the most widely active ingredient that comes from a natural source. It has strong anti-fungal properties and is most commonly used for dandruff and other skin disorders, but it will work great for moisturizing your scalp when applied.  


You can use hydrogen peroxide and cider vinegar to help with your dry scalp problem. You apply a mixture of the two to your head and let it sit for 5 minutes and then rinse it out of your hair. After that, apply tea tree oil to your entire scalp and let it sit over night. Rinse out the tea tree oil in the morning when you get up. It should work in two to three days after only one treatment. If it comes back in a few months just do another treatment.


Hydrogen Peroxide Natural Home Remedy for Dry Scalp

A natural remedy for dry scalp is using hydrogen peroxide as mixture. You need to make a 1: 10 mixture. The mixture should be on part ACV, one part hydrogen peroxide, with ten parts water. You should use this like a shampoo and rinse it out after you use your regular shampoo.


Raw Onion Natural Dry Scalp Home Remedy Treatment

A really good natural home remedy for treating dry scalp is to rub a raw onion on your scalp. You should take a fresh raw onion and chop it up into pieces, then rub the bare part of the pieces on your scalp. After you have rubbed the onion on your head, wait fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse out the onion. The juices from the onion should help activate the oils in your scalp in which it will rehydrate your scalp.


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